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the sensitivity button brokey


A very enjoyable game already, would love to play more! Especially love the sound effects and special attacks. Maybe there could be even more? :D

I'd suggest making the text (the controls) easier to read, sometimes because of the background you can't see it very well. Also, subtitles would be great.

Keep up the good work!

We have certainly planned on making more effects and special attacks. We don´t want to confuse the player, so we won´t add too many buttons to learn before integrating them in the tutorial.

Thank you for your positive feedback! People like you are the fuel we need to make this game.


People like you are the reason I brows 'newest' on Itchio. Never change.

Launching yourself into the sky with an explosive golf ball and pelting the enemy with exploding sheep is memorable to say the least.

Is there more game besides the first level?

Thank you for the positive comment! :) 

I will update the game in the future and new levels will be coming. (maybe even new gamemodes)